Pin Oak

Quercus palustris   
This native Ohio tree likes acidic, moist soil and full to partial sun. It grows to heights of 70-100 ft. and is somewhat conical in shape. Of all the oaks it has an interesting  and distinctive branch shape. The upper branches ascend upward, the middle branches grow horizontal and the lower branches have a strong downward sweep.  The growth of the lower branches is a major reason why they are not good street trees. As a pioneer species, they have a short lifespan for oaks and live for "only" about 120 years. The pin name comes historically when the wood  was used for pins in the construction of wooden buildings. Another characteristic of the pin oak and some other oaks and beeches is marcescence. This is the ability of the trees, particularly the younger ones, to keep their fall leaves throughout the winter until the new leaves appear in the spring.
Wikipedia, ODNR

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