Hybrid Saucer Magnolia

Magnolia x soulangiana
Magnolia x soulangiana or saucer magnolia is actually a hybrid of several magnolias. They have multiple stems and are upright when young.  As they mature, they develop spreading branches and can reach heights of 10 ft.  Most flower before leafing.  There are many cultivars of the saucer magnolia, which are bred for the color and shape of the flowers and height and shape of the tree. This Pink Tulip magnolia cultivar has a particularly attractive pink tulip-shaped flower. The garden in which this tree is planted is a hidden gem in the Village Square, surrounded by the Municipal building, Scout House and commercial building.   Please note the plaque on the rock dedicated to C.J. Lane, the Village clerk for many years.
Oregon State University Department of Horticulture, Sustainability for AllMagnolia,pink tulip3

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