
Malus spp.
Malus is the genus name for all apple trees. These range from the delicious snacking and cooking apples to the more than 700 cultivars of crabapple. In general, crabapples have smaller more bitter-tasting fruit which can stay on the branches long after the leaves have dropped. Their smaller size, fragrant and white or colorful spring blossoms make them a good tree for ornamental plantings. This labelled tree is representative of the original wild crabapple grove planted in this area by the Glendale Garden Club in 1921. These trees were in honor of the men and women of the Village who served their country in WWI. (See the dedication plaque across the center walk near the gaslight in Floral Park.)
Wikipedia, Secrest Arboretum (OSU)crabapple3 (2)crabapple1

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